Tingeling Lounge Chair inc. Stool – Black Rope / Acacia – Venture Home
Lika snygg i sin design som bekväm att sitta i. Tjingeling är en loungestol med tillhörande fotpall som garanterat blir ett modernt blickfång på uteplatsen. Benen är tillverkade i acacia och sitsen i slitstarkt vävt rep. Gör dig redo för sommarens uteliv!
Våra rep är kvalitetsspunna polyesterrep som är lätta att rengöra. Möblerna är behandlade för att klara 500-2000 timmar. Vi rekommenderar såpa och vatten för rengöring. Låt lufttorka. För de områdena som är svårare att komma åt kan en liten borste användas försiktigt. Använd aldrig högtryckstvätt eller starka kemikalier för att rengöra repet.
Dimensioner: 103x71x73
Höjd: 103
Bredd: 71
Djup: 73
Huvudmaterial: Acacia
Material: Acacia,Polyester Rope
Färg: Black
Material textil: /
Alla färger: Black,Nature
In order to ensure that you are able to enjoy your furniture for as long as possible,
please follow these care instructions.
This furniture was treated with oil before leaving the factory. The oil penetration is deeper in some places than others. Before using your new furniture, use a dry cloth to remove any excess oil and dust. Do not oil your new furniture straight away. For the furniture to retains its colour we recommend oiling it at the end of the fist garden season. Clean the furniture, if necessary sand it with very fine sandpaper (240), and then use a cloth to apply a thin layer of oil. It is very important that no dirt or dust is trapped under the oil as this can cause mold. Use a dry cloth to remove any excess oil from the wood. This procedure should be repeated every year, shortly before the furniture is set up in the garden for the summer.
The furniture should not be stored in a damp location as this may cause mold. We recommend using a suitable cover to prevent damage from being caused by strong weather conditions.
For winter storage, do not store the furniture in a centrally heated area, because it can cause the wood to dry out, which may lead to shrinkage and cracks. A cool, well-ventilated garden shed is a suitable storage location. Never cover the furniture with protective sheeting, as it can cause mold.
After prolonged use and/or drying of the wood, it may be necessary to tighten the screws (with
moderate force).
Produktbeskrivning Engelska
As stylish in its design as comfortable to sit in. Tjingeling is a lounge chair with associated footstool that is guaranteed to be a modern eye -catcher on the patio. The legs are made of acacia and the seat in durable woven rope. Get ready for summer nightlife!
Care advice:
Our ropes are quality -spun polyester rope that is easy to clean. The furniture is treated to pass 500-2000 hours. We recommend soap and water for cleaning. Allow to air dry. For the areas that are more difficult to access, a small brush can be used carefully. Never use high pressure washer or strong chemicals to clean the rope.
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